發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2010-03-28 White Shock (31) (5)
2010-03-11 搥心肝啦~ (12) (9)
2010-02-21 au revoir! (8) (5)
2010-02-04 The latest (9) (7)
2009-12-25 I see you (6) (3)
2009-12-13 After The End (5) (8)
2009-12-12 24hrs for 台南 (9) (7)
2009-10-04 中秋 (16) (8)
2009-09-30 grade 2 (5) (3)
2009-09-21 久違了! (7) (2)
2009-09-12 landed!(入新厝!) (3) (3)
2009-09-07 國境之南 (7) (8)
2009-09-04 低空飛過 (12) (4)
2009-08-27 North Coast (6) (4)
2009-08-23 8/23 (3) (4)
2009-08-20 八仙 (2) (4)
2009-08-19 Postman (3) (4)
2009-08-16 PIXAR 20 Years of Animation (3) (5)
2009-08-14 警察叔叔是好人XD (4) (6)
2009-08-10 I got my driving license!! (7) (12)
2009-08-02 總統府 & 台北賓館 & Movenpick (3) (4)
2009-07-18 台南&嘉義 (4) (5)
2009-07-12 陶瓷博物館 (2) (9)
2009-07-11 山腳下的星空 (2) (2)
2009-07-09 花蓮~七星潭篇 (10) (2)
2009-07-05 兔子聽音樂之台北美食一日遊 (3) (7)
2009-07-04 花蓮~FOOD篇! (102) (2)
2009-06-27 喜喜 (2) (5)
2009-06-23 LOST... (3) (6)
2009-06-20 福隆&基隆 (8) (6)
2009-06-20 Over (4) (5)
2009-06-01 5/29 (3) (7)
2009-06-01 5/28 (5) (3)
2009-05-21 下午茶&點心社 (5) (11)
2009-05-15 勇士 (3) (6)
2009-05-13 The Old (31) (13)
2009-05-07 夏日午後的西門町 (36) (20)
2009-05-05 KFC (3) (4)
2009-05-01 How many people can you say that about? (4) (3)
2009-04-27 KEELUNG (5) (3)
2009-04-09 是成是敗? (5) (11)
2009-04-08 the actuality (5) (6)
2009-03-24 Mistake (6) (12)
2009-03-15 Balance Point (5) (5)
2009-03-04 The world is a playground. (4) (5)
2009-02-28 石文 (6) (6)
2009-02-26 MRI (11) (3)
2009-02-25 Distance (5) (1)
2009-02-19 包租婆~為什麼突然之間沒水了呢? (69) (4)
2009-02-09 All night long (7) (3)
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